Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes how Shimanami Japan (hereafter “our company” “we”) handle personal information collected from users when providing services through this website.

◆ Defining personal information

Personal information refers to the personal information described in the Japanese Act on the Protection of Personal Information. It is information relating to living individuals and refers to any singular piece of information which can be used to identify a specific individual (personal identification information or PII), such as name, date of birth, address, telephone number, contact information, or other identifiers made in writing (etc.), data related to appearance, fingerprints, and voiceprints, and health insurance card numbers (etc.)

◆ How we collect personal information

Our company may ask for users’ personal information (such as their name, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address, etc.) when registering to use this site. We may also collect information relating to transaction records or payments, which include users’ personal information, that transpired between users and partners (etc.) from our company’s partners (including information providers, advertisers, advertisement distribution recipients, etc.).

◆ Purpose of collection and use of information

Our company collects and uses information for the following purposes:

・To provide and manage our company’s services
・To answer customer inquiries (including identity confirmation)
・To email users information about new functions, updates, campaigns (etc.) for services they’re already using, as well as information about other services our company provides
・To contact users as necessary about maintenance and important information (etc.)
・To identify users who violate the terms of agreement or users who try to use services for improper/fraudulent purposes and refuse them service
・To view, change, or delete information registered by users and to view system utilization
・To request usage fee payment from users for paid services
・For purposes incidental to those listed above

◆ Regarding changes to purpose of use

Our company reserves the right to change the reasons why we use personal information only in cases where it is reasonably recognized that it is related to the purpose of use before the change. Should the purpose of use change: per the method prescribed by our company, we will notify users regarding the changed purpose and announce it on this website.

◆ Providing personal information to third parties

Our company will not provide personal information to third parties without receiving user permission in advance, except in the cases listed below. However, this does not apply in cases recognized by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other laws.

・When it’s necessary to protect an individual’s life, body, or property and is difficult to gain said individual’s consent.
・When it is especially necessary to improve public health or promote the healthy development of children and is difficult to gain said individual’s consent.
・When cooperation with national government organizations or local public authorities or those commissioned by these offices to carry out duties as prescribed by law is necessary and gaining individual consent is likely to interfere with carrying out said duties.
・When notifying or announcing the following in advance and when our company’s personal information protection committee has been notified in writing:
・When providing information to third parties is included in usage purposes
・The category of data to be provided to third parties
・The means and method of providing data to third parties
・Ceasing to provide personal information to third parties at the request of the individual
・Method for accepting such requests from individuals
・Notwithstanding the provisions above, in the following cases, the party receiving the personal information shall not be considered a third party:
・When the party is commissioned to handle all, or part of, personal information collected to the necessary extent for our company to achieve purpose of use.
・When personal information is provided as part of succession of business for reasons such as a business merger (etc.).
・For cases in which personal information is used in collaboration with a specific party: when the identifiable person has been notified in advance regarding said collaborative use, the category of personal information to be used collaboratively, the extent of the party using the information collaboratively, the usage purpose of the party, and the name of the person or organization responsible for managing the personal information in question, or this information has been made readily accessible to the person.

◆ Disclosing personal information

When requested by the identifiable person to disclose personal information, our company will disclose said information to the individual without delay. However, should disclosure result in any of the following, there may be cases in which we will not disclose part or all of the information. Should it be decided not to disclose information, the individual will be informed of the decision without delay.

・When disclosure is likely to harm the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the person or a third party.
・When disclosure is likely to seriously interfere with the proper implementation of our company’s business.
・If disclosure would violate any other laws or regulations.
・Notwithstanding the provisions above, regarding information that is not personal information, such as browser history information and characteristic information (etc.): we will not, as a rule, disclose this information.

◆ Revision and deletion of personal information

If the user’s personal information possessed by our company is erroneous, the user may send a request to our company, via the method we prescribe, to revise, add, or delete personal information. If our company deems it necessary to comply with the aforementioned request by the user, we will revise (etc.) the personal information in question without delay. Should our company make revisions (etc.) in compliance with the previous provisions, or, should we decide not to make revisions (etc.), we will notify the user of this without delay.

◆ Cessation of usage (etc.) of personal information

Should the identifiable person request cessation of usage or deletion (hereafter “cessation of usage (etc.)”) of personal information for reasons such as the information is being handled beyond the purpose of use or was obtained through fraudulent means, our company shall carry out an investigation without delay.

Based on the results of the aforementioned investigation, if it is deemed necessary to comply with the user’s request, we will cease the usage (etc.) of said personal information without delay. Should our company perform the cessation of usage (etc.) as prescribed in the previous provision, or if we have decided not to cease usage (etc.), we will notify the user of this without delay.

Notwithstanding section 2 above, if ceasing to use (etc.) the personal information would require a costly expenditure or prove otherwise difficult, our company will take the necessary alternative measures to protect the rights and interests of the identifiable person.

◆ Changes to this privacy policy

Except as otherwise provided in this policy, by law (etc.), the contents of this policy may be changed without notifying the user. Unless otherwise specified by our company, the changed privacy policy shall be effective from the time it is posted on this website.

◆ Google terms of service and privacy policy

Regarding access analytics
This website uses Google Analytics as its access analyzation tool. Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data.

・Google Analytics Terms of Service
・Google Privacy Policy

◆ Social media terms of service and privacy policies

This website uses share buttons for Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter) and embeds them into the website.

Data Policy /  Terms of Service / Privacy Policy

Terms of Service / Privacy Policy

Terms of Service / Privacy Policy

◆ Disclaimer

The information on this website, with the exception of some portions, is offered free of charge. Regarding browsing websites used by this website and information collection, it is the responsibility of the users to ensure whether the information meets the user’s needs, has the necessary legal rights to the user’s arbitrary usage methods such as saving or reproducing information, and complies with laws and other legal obligations regarding copyrights, confidentiality, defamation, maintaining credibility, and exportation. Our company assumes no responsibility for any trouble, loss, or damages incurred by using this website. We also do not guarantee the legality, accuracy, morality, availability of the latest information, appropriateness, or copyright permission or existence of websites and software introduced via this website. Should users go to other websites from links or banners on our website, we take no responsibility whatsoever for the information or services (etc.) offered there.

◆ Inquiries

Please direct inquiries regarding this policy to the following:

Shimanami Japan
Address: JR Onomichi City Ekimae Building 1F, Higashi-Gosho-cho, Onomichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture
Hours: 8:30 am-5:30 pm (closed on weekends and national holidays)
Tel: 0848-22-4073 (General reception)


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